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Read the vision here.


I wanted to enter the edbiz as a marketer after growing up with what this industry has to offer.

Back when many of today’s big names were scrappy startups, they helped me become a better student. From cradle to career—Leapster cartridges, BrainPOP videos, Quizlet flashcards, Coursera certificates—I've learned with it all.

Fast forward to 2020. Watching my little brother in 5th grade Zoom school inspired me to recommend edtech practice for him that I knew firsthand that we could count on. One guide turned into 12 more, personalized for families of my hometown public library. My understanding of the industry and passion for connecting kids to game-changing products grew from here. I changed my major that fall.

I completed my degree in Education, Technology, and Entrepreneurship from New York University, studying the business and pedagogy of learning.

Now I'm product marketing at Learning A-Z. I didn't grow up using the company's products like I have so many others that have been around for nearly two decades. I DO get to bring my childhood loving edtech to work everyday, marketing the impact high-quality literacy solutions can have on today's young learners. Pragmatic dreamer.

Raised in San Francisco, living in New York.

💪Product marketing superpower in-training: Connecting all activities back to student impact.

🚀Industry goal: Help every kid go from learning to use tech → to using tech to learn how to design their life.

💌Let's talk about impacting kids and the edbiz, together —

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